
Samuel Adams Variety 6'er pt. 3 of 3 - Black Lager

Hopefully, you've already watched parts 1 & 2 so I don't have to explain how the idea for these reviews came to be. If not, here are the links for parts 1 and 2, directly on Youtube:

Now we have the 3rd and final beer of the collection - Samuel Adams Black Lager.

Now, this review is based on notes I took about 6 weeks ago when I had the 3 Black Lagers. I was originally going to wait around and review them all at once but I couldn't help myself.

It pours an almost black color that shows brown around the edges when held up to the light. The smell holds some coffee and cocoa notes. There are also slight caramel notes and toasted malt.

My first impression upon tasting it was that it was a stout brewed with lager yeast. Roasted malt, coffee and chocolate hit you right away, backed up by a certain crispness provided by the yeast. You also get a light kiss of hops in the finish. Also, the malt presence becomes stronger as the beer warms, as is usually the case with malty brews. The mouthfeel is around a heavy-medium.

In my opinion, this beer could be a little more bitter but, all in all, it is another winner from the Samuel Adams Brewmasters line. A great choice when you're in a stouty mood. There aren't too many 'black' lagers out there, so with that in mind, I call this beer a GLASS FULL - dark, different and tasty. Cheers!