
Unibroue Beer Review - La Fin Du Monde & Maudite

Unibroue. Kind of a funny name, ain't it? Well, for those that don't know, Unibroue is a French-Canadian brewing company based in Quebec. They make a bunch of high-quality, Belgian style ales. I have been hearing (and reading) about them for quite some time so when I saw these the other night I had to pick them up.

What we have here is a 12 oz bottle each of La Fin Du Monde (The End of the World), a Belgian style Tripel, and a bottle of Maudite (Damned, or Maldito for the Spanish speakers), a Belgian Strong Dark Ale. Both are bottle fermented, or 'lees on yeast', which means yeast was added to the bottle before sealing, which means the bottle will continue to ferment long after it has left the brewery. These beers can be stored (cellared) for years allowing the fermentation to continue and the beer to mature. Go to www.unibroue.com if you would like to know more. 

Forgive me for being unprepared, the Tripel is meant to be served in a chalice or goblet. Sadly, I had neither at the time and had to settle for the trusty Sam Adams tulip glass. I think it worked well but I wish I had had the proper glassware.

La Fin Du Monde poured a cloudy, dirty, golden color with almost two finger head with very tiny bubbles and active carbonation. I read a review that said it had 'champagne like efervesance...' that about sums it up. The head lasted throughout and there was a bit of lacing left on the glass. The nose is of banana and dried fruit. The taste is much like the nose- wheaty, with touches of bananas, dried fruit and, maybe, perhaps, pineapple? There are some hops in there but it's hard to put a finger on them. The finish is relatively clean with no lingering aftertaste.

For a 9% abv this beer hides the alcohol very well. It has a thin to medium body and mouthfeel and is very easy to drink. This review doesn't do the beer justice, it is a very complex beer. This might actually be the most complex beer I have ever had. Yes, there is that much going on with it. Try it for yourself and see.

This is a glass 1/2 FULL all the way. I'm tempted to rate it higher but I'm not familiar enough with the Belgian styles to say this one is that good. But dont be surprised if I come back in a year or two and say it is. This beer is incredibly well made and the exquisite taste is worth the money. Cheers!

Now for the Maudite. This one poured a hazy brown, the same color as a Tamarindo Jarrito (again, for the spanish folks out there). As with the Tripel it pours with really good head, maybe two fingers worth, all tiny bubbles. The nose is all wheat, malt and fruits. Banana, peach, pear, raisin, they all work their way in there. The taste is the same as the nose but with a dose of hops on the backend and a hoppy, alcohol finish with a chewy mouthfeel. The aftertaste is of hops and alcoholic fruit.

The Maudite does not do as good a job of hiding the alcohol as the La Fin Du Monde, but it does a respectable job nonetheless (it's 8% abv). This is a more straight forward brew with its own subtle complexities but regardless, it is SMOOTH.

Just like La Fin Du Monde, I rate this as a glass 1/2 FULL beer and wouldn't be surprised if someone more familiar with Belgian style ales called this a 5 star beer. I am not familiar enough with the Belgian style to do that but I completely understand that Unibroue makes quality stuff. See for yourseves and let me know what you think.... Cheers!

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