
Harpoon Leviathan Imperial IPA

From the Harpoon Brewery comes this monstrous DIPA. 10% abv and it currently rates as an A- overall on beeradvocate.com. So, obviously, an IPA lover like myself had to check out Harpoon's latest offering.

I cracked it open and poured it into my new Palm tulip glass. It sure smells like a dipa...

The beer is a beautiful, clear amber color with a nice fingers worth of off-white ipa head. The nose is of fragrant piney, grassy hops over equally fragrant sweet malts with hints of caramel. There are also some ever so slight wiffs of alcohol in the nose.

The body is lighter than expected. The first sip goes down smoothly - a mild piney, and slightly citrusy, hop bite upfront followed by an almost light body of sweet malts. Upon swallowing, the hops make a return engagement and leave a floral, piney taste on the back of the tongue that is resinous but not overpowering. It is in the final swallow that one notices the 10% alcohol. It is not strong enough to distract from the taste or the overall enjoyment of the beer, but it is noticable to a seasoned palate.

I don't consider this beer exceptional but I do consider it very good. I will objectively call it a Glass FULL. I say objectively because I am not a fan of the bigger, and sweeter, imperial ipas. To me a malty ipa is a turn off. But this one, while having a strong malt presence, has a light enough body to make the malt sweetness and high alcohol seem less noticeable. As far as Harpoon beers go, this might be their best offering yet, in my humble opinion. Cheers!


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  2. Hello brewers, that this Christmas will bring much happiness to all and many beers ...
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  3. Interesting to here those views about malts in the IPA.

    I've always preferred the maltier side of life - until very recently. I'm beginning to see you point.

    Nice site - will be following from now on.
