
Beer of the Day Review - Dead Guy Ale

Welcome to the newly christened, www.BierBreath.com. To celebrate our new official web address we are going to start things of with a very special beer. Today I give you, Dead Guy Ale.

The Dead Guy comes to us from the Rogue Brewery in Oregon, a great company that specializes in making great beers with in-your-face artwork and packaging. See for yourself at www.rogue.com.

Personally, I love the name and the logo of this beer. So much so that I had to buy the pint glass when I came across it. The 22 oz bomber you see in the pictures comes from my only other experience with Dead Guy Ale several months ago. 

Now, before I review this beer I want to clarify something. Even though it is called Dead Guy Ale, it is not an ale. This beer is a Bock, and a bock is a type of lager, which means your going to get a more crisp taste and feel along with a bit cleaner finish, all common traits of a lager. I'm sure the folks at Rogue know the difference but I guess with a name like Dead Guy we can allow them a little creative liberty. Now on to the review...

This beer pours a lovely orange-amber color, almost like a good apple juice, with a good finger or more of head, depending on the pour. The smells drifting up from the glass are very, very inviting. Heavy malt, some citrus-hop, and sweet fruit (mangopearpinapple) let me know right from the start that this beer is going to be special.

The taste is not as in-your-face as one might expect but it is subtle and delicious. The malt comes out strongly in the front and the hop comes out almost as strongly in the back with a hint of citrus all the way across. It has a light-medium body that goes down really smooth leaving a lingering floral hop aftertaste that is not unpleasant in the least. This brew is crisp and very refreshing in a very lager-like way.

Dead Guy Ale is a simple but well put together beer that is incredibly easy to drink. Don't take it lightly though, it is 6.50% abv and will kick you in the ass if your not careful...

When I first tried Dead Guy I couldn't understand what all the hype was about. I thought it was no big deal, just a plain beer with a cool name. Maybe I just needed some time, maybe I needed to broaden my palate, but this second time around I can appreciate this beer a whole lot more. It is simple but has a beautiful balance of flavors and amazing drinkability for a higher abv beer. Combine that with the name and the cool logo and you have a beer destined to have a cult following. I am definitely a believer now and I consider this to be a Glass FULL beer all the way. Get yourself some Dead Guy and see what I mean. Cheers!

The Beer of the Day

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