
ABC, the Dead Guy & the Dog

While at work today I received a call informing me that my FedEx package had arrived. That package contained my two most recent purchaces, a Sam Adams tulip glass and a Rogue Brewery Dead Guy Ale pint glass. The kicker here is that a few days ago I learned there is an ABC Fine Wine & Spirits down the street from my job... So, at some point it dawned on me that I could go to ABC on my lunch break and pick up some Dead Guy Ale so I can properly break the glass in. And that is what I did, or at least tried to do.

This was my first time in an ABC and the prices and selection weren't too shabby, but alas, no Dead Guy. Matter of fact, no Rogue at all. Shit. I know a couple of other places that sell Dead Guy but they were too out of the way for an after work, 6 o'clock rush hour visit. So, Dead Guy dreams dashed, I decided to just pick up a few singles of stuff I hadn't tried before and call it a day.

I ended up picking up a can of Beamish Irish Stout, a bottle of Xingu Black Beer and a bottle of Black Dog Ale. Thanks to the fridge at work they were still nice and frosty when I got home. I grabbed the camera and opened up the dog.

Its called Black Dog Ale, its brewed my the Spanish Peaks Brewing Co. out of Bozeman, Montana and the bottle reads, 'English Style Amber'. 

Its a very good English Pale with a lovely dark amber, almost copper color to it. Head retention isn't great but the lacing is. It smells like an English Pale should, malty with a touch of floral hops. Taste is the same, slightly sweet with a nice, mellow hop finish. Mouthfeel is good, definately not thin, and coats the tongue nicely. I've been seing this beer around for a while now and I had my reservations about it but it has resoundingly proven me wrong.

Most definately a glass 1/2 FULL beer, almost pushing 3/4.  Cheers!

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