
Shipyard Export Review

My relationship with Maine's Shipyard Brewery started back in April, when my girlfriend picked up a Shipyard variety 12 pack while hanging out with her cousins. She ended up bringing home the leftovers, one of which was a Shipyard Export (along with some Old Thumper and a Blue Fin Stout).

While not being blown away, I did note it to be a tasty, well-made beer. Fast forward almost 5 months and add a sale at my neighborhood Winn/Dixie supermarket and, once again, I have in my fridge a Shipyard Export ale.

Upon checking out Shipyards website, www.shipyard.com, I learned that the Export Ale is their flagship beer. I also learned that it is a Canadian-style golden ale. Ok, not what I expected but, ok, lets give it a shot.

It pours a dark golden color with a finger or so of fizzy head that quickly recedes. It recedes but never disappears, a thin layer of head stays floating on the surface for the duration.

The nose is of biscuit with some light malt and some faint citrus hop. It's weak but nice and just a bit yeasty.

Tasting it yields some more faint citrus hop up front with a little bite from the carbonation. There is a very mild malt middle and a light, yet crisp, finish with more citrus hop. There is no aftertaste and there are no standout flavors. It is a simple beer, balanced but plain.

The mouthfeel is on the heavier side of thin and the carbonation is well done, making this not a spectacular beer but one that is easy to drink and refreshing

It is almost lager-like with its subdued nose, lack of standout flavors and crisp finish. Unexceptional but good, great with food or really cold on a hot, sweaty day. Shipyard's flagship beer is a decent beer, well-made and to style, but not great by any means. A Glass 1/2 FULL but not by much. Check it out but don't expect a lot in the flavor department. Cheers!

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