
Beer of the Day Review - Lagunitas Censored (aka Kronic)

Interestingly enough, this beer was actually called, The Kronic until the Feds stepped in and forced a name change, hence the new name, Censored. It is brewed by the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Cali and is classified as an American Amber Ale on Beeradvocate.com. I picked this six-pack up at the ABC Fine Wine & Spirits in Kendal.

The first beer was a bit disappointing as it poured with no head and left no lacing, but it was cold as hell. I let the second one warm up a little before I opened it and that one gave almost 3 fingers of head which fizzled down rather quick to leave some scant lacing. I've noticed temperature affecting the beer before (head, flavor, etc) so I have acted accordingly and turned the thermostat up a notch in the beer fridge. An ice cold beer is great when you just washed the car or mowed the lawn but some beers, like this one, taste so much better a little warmer (relax, I'm only talking 5-10 degrees here, nothing drastic like room temperature). 

It is a lovely copper color, and you can smell the caramel malts right away. You can taste them right away, too. There's a little something citrusy in there as well. Kind of a thin mouthfeel though, with a bitter, dry, hoppy finish and a not unpleasant aftertaste that will stay with you for a while. It's not IPA hoppy but it might be more hops than some people may like... definately hoppier than one would expect an American Amber to be. It also has a slightly higher than normal abv (alcohol by volume) at 5.9% so consider yourselves warned...

All in all, it's a tasty, well-made beer. Its not exactly my style but this glass is definately 1/2 FULL and I'm sure alot of people out there would rate it even higher. Cheers!

Beer of the Day


  1. I agree with Anonymous...it's a great beer, and Chanel Handbag is good too.

  2. yes, this beer could have been crafted by hermes himself, like a fine handbag or tiffany bracelet, it would thaw the heart of your frostiest loved one this valentine's day
