
Beer of the Day Review - Small Craft Warning

I originally tried this beer on a lark and ended up liking it. So here I go with a review of a whole 6 pack. This is a 7.25% abv beer, categorized as an Imperial Pilsner by Beeradvocate.com. I call it an Americanized Pilsner, or as the packaging says Über Pils, either way it's a Pilsner heavy on the alcohol and not meant to be sessioned (it took me a week to drink all 6...) .

It is brewed by the Clipper City Brewing Company in Baltimore, MD and is part of their Heavy Seas line of high alcohol per volume (abv) beers. Go to www.ccbeer.com to learn more.

Let's review it, shall we?

It pours a dark, golden, apple juice color. Since I'm not big on pilsners, or lagers to begin with, this color is a welcome sight. If you pour a little rough you will get big head and lots of lacing. If your pour is more conservative you will get a quarter-inch of head,which receedes quickly to a thin flm, and very little to no lacing.

The smell is of mild hops and mild malt... very mild, with some lemon zest citrus and a touch of alcohol mixed in.

Taste-wise, you get your typical lager fizzyness with some mild hops and alcohol, and an almost sour, lemony taste on the back of your tongue as it goes down. There is also a slightly yeasty, buttery taste in there somewhere as well.

The mouthfeel is medium-thin but very crisp and refreshing, even with the high alcohol content. It leaves a fading touch of citrus hop/alcohol aftertaste which is not unpleasant at all. There is a slight warming sensation after you swallow, caused by the high alcohol content, noticible but not overbearing. It is very drinkable but if you're not careful the high abv will get you.

I'm not a huge fan of pilsners, or lagers in general, but I find this beer to be smooth and easy drinking. Unfortunately, it is also tame and not spectacular in any way. The taste is simply nothing to write home about. This is a simple, un-complicated beer - an unremarkable, easy drinking, high abv, American made, Pilsner. If your a fan of the style give it a shot, it's not bad. Just dont expect your socks to get blown off. I call this a glass 1/2 FULL but nothing to get exited about. Your mileage may vary. Cheers!

The Beer of the Day


  1. I would have to agree with the assessment provided, however, I think that this beer has exceptional taste, above 1/2 Full rating. I may be bias because I'm on my 3rd of the night while posting this comment.

    I took a tour of the brewery about a 1.5 years ago and I thought that the beers were pretty good. I sampled all that they had to offer but I found myself drifting back to Small Craft Warning. I don't drink beer as often as I once did. Now in my mid-thirties, I find myself drinking beer for taste and effectiveness. I rotate between this beer, Rouge "Dead Guy" Ale and Bells Amber. I love Belgian or Belgian style ales as well, especially the Unibroue family but, I like to keep it in the States. Small Craft Warning allows me to do not only that but, it also allows me to support the State of Maryland where I grew up.

    Drink and enjoy.

  2. very well put im trying more beers like it thanks
