
Beck's Octoberfest

I just had to. Yes, it's a Beck's, yes, it's an Inbev owned, mass produced and over commercialized beer. But it was a new Beck's, a different Beck's, a darker Beck's. I had to try it. I never learn.

This thing pours a clear, dark copper, almost reddish color. The fizzy off-white head builds quickly and recedes quicker. The head, the green bottle and the smell are all typical Beck's.

The nose is that of a malty lager, which is what most Marzens, or Oktober Biers, are after all. There is a hint of caramel in there and a hint of hop.

The carbonation and the taste are very much like a regular Beck's, with the exception of the added malt. It is a bit thicker that a standard Beck's and a bit tastier too, but it's still a Beck's.

Even though this brew gets good reviews on Beeradvocate.com I have to say it is nothing special. It may be a good example of the Octoberfest style but I find it too much like the plain Beck's I used to drink back in the day. Again, there is nothing special here.

The only reason this even gets a weak Glass 1/2 FULL is because it is unoffensive, and because, by nature, Octoberfest beers are really nothing more that maltier, slightly spiced lagers. That's what this is and I'm sure there are better examples of the style out there. Have one of those instead. Cheers!

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