
Beer of the Day - Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA

Hey everybody, I'm still getting caught up on the reviews after the long weekend, so today I bring you last Thursday's Beer of the Day, Dogfish Head's 60 Minute IPA.

Dogfish Head Brewery is based in Delaware and their slogan is "Off-centered beers for off-centered people". Asides from some of their more unusual offerings, like their Raison D'Etre and Palo Santo Marron, their flagships are their IPA's, which come in 60 minute, 90 minute, and 120 minute varieties (those are the actual minutes in which the beer has hops added to it while in a full boil, or something like that). Go to dogfish.com if you want to know more and seek out the documentary Beer Wars if you want to learn more about Dogfish Head and it's founder, Sam Calagione. They are truly an American success story.

Though I have had one of their India Brown Ales in the past, I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up, so I picked up a 6 pack of their 60 Minute IPA at my local Winn/Dixie. They also carry the four packs of the 90 Minute IPA, I will picking that up sometime soon.

It pours a slightly cloudy dark golden color and gives a generous amount of foamy head with very small bubbles. The color is almost lager like and swirling the beer around leaves some nice lacing.

The nose is piney, very, very piney - the resin comes out in the smell. There are hints of malt in there somewhere but it's all hop. Pine with hints of grapefruit citrus.

Upon tasting it I discovered that although this beer is a bit thin, it is very smooth. The hop isn't as sharp, it doesn't bite as much as other IPA's. You can taste the hop, but it's more of a flavor, resiny and piney with a bit of grapefruit citrus and grassiness.

There is hop upfront but not as hoppy or harsh as some others - very easy drinking. The malt is there, subtley anchoring the hop, smooth and steady. There is hop oil on the finish but it doesn't linger very long at all, leaving a very mild and short lived aftertaste.

Overall, this is a good IPA but it is one dimensional. It's all pine. Sure it's light and easy drinking but there is just not enough going on to satisfy the hardcore IPA fans. This is a great IPA to down on a hot afternoon or maybe just something to give a Bud drinker to show him there's better beer out there. It is plain and thin but very well made and a pleasure to drink.

The truth is, I expected more but the fact of the matter is that this is Dogfish's ground floor offering. I shall be trying the 90 Minute very soon. Until then, I call this a solid Glass 1/2 FULL and urge any IPA fan out there to give it a shot. If it's not for you then I'm sure Dogfish Head has a beer right up your alley. Check them out if you can. Cheers!

The Beer of the Day

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