
Beer of the Day - Titan IPA (with video)

Yes, another IPA.

I couldn't help myself. Beeradvocate.com calls it World Class and it was staring me in the face when I went to my local ABC. What the hell.

The Titan IPA is from the Great divide Brewing Company in Denver, Colorado. It's an American style IPA with a 6.8% abv. Check out Great Divides website at greatdivide.com.

This bad boy is the color of a really dirty penny, almost brownish. It gives a finger plus (when not damn-near frozen) of white foamy head, typical of most IPA's. The nose is all malt. There is some piney hop underneath but it's mostly malt and very inviting.

Tasting it gives you hop up front, quickly followed by a smooth and ever present malt middle. It is very well balanced to the point that the hops are clearly there but don't bite up front or linger in the finish. The finish is balanced, without too much resin or malt sticking around for long.

The mouthfeel is on the lighter side of medium and this beer is a pleasure to drink, even though I find it a touch too malty for my IPA taste. Still, it is balanced and tasty, and obviously made with care and quality. Great Divide is highly regarded for a reason.

So, even though I find this beer a bit too malty for my taste I still consider it a GLASS FULL. A rock solid IPA and good stuff all the way. Get some for yourself if you can. Cheers!

The Beer of the Day

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