
Beer of the Day - Bell's Oberon

Hey, folks. I've been a bit busy lately so I've gotten a little backed up with my reviews. So today I bring you Tuesday's Beer of the Day, a tasty American wheat ale, Bell's Oberon.

Bell's Brewery is based in Michigan. I believe this is the third beer I try from them and they have always gotten high marks for quality and taste. They brew over 15 different beers and Oberon is their summer seasonal, although in Florida and Alabama it is available year round. Their website is Bellsbeer.com for anyone who's interested. By the way, on Beeradvocate.com this beer gets a B+ out of 950 reviews.

As you can read in the picture above, Oberon is a summer wheat beer, meant to be light and refreshing. I had originally meant to pick this up earlier in the summer when it was hotter but, then again, in South Florida it's always hot. That probably explains why they sell it year round here. I have found it in stock at Publix supermarkets in Pines and Doral, along with Total Wine, and it is on tap at the Yard House.

This brew pours a hazy, burnt orange color and gives very little head, which about typical for wheat beers. I must admit though, the smells coming from the glass almost threw me for a loop. It smells citrusy, wheaty and malty. A much heavier caramel malt smell than I ever expected in a wheat beer. Not a bad thing but not expected at all. Now on to the taste...

Wow. I get malty wheat and carbonation up front and a nice hoppy finish. This is possibly the hoppiest wheat beer I have ever had, even though it is amazingly well balanced against strong caramel flavor that carry across the middle. Those same caramel flavors also impart a malty touch in the aftertaste which is pleasant and short lived.

This is not your average summer wheat beer. The mouthfeel is almost medium, making this one heavier than most other American wheat beers. The hop levels are higher than expected but, as is the case with most American brewers, that's nothing new. What is unexpected is the higher malt content of this beer, which explains the darker, richer color. Again, it's not a bad thing, just not a typical characteristic of a summer wheat beer. Props to Bell's for being bold and doing something a little different.

The fact that this beer is richer and heavier than most in its class do take away some points for drinkability, I don't know if this is the brew I want after a couple of hours working in the sun, but I do know that it is a tasty and quality brew. I call this a Glass 1/2 FULL and then some, and I urge fans of wheat beers to seek it out and give it a taste. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know how that goes. Cheers!

The Beer of the Day

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. I'm a native Michigander but have never tried it. I'm back in MI now and see Oberson EVERYWHERE, in mini-kegs and bottles and on-tap. Finally picked up a 6-pack today that was on sale and am looking forward to trying it.
